Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wedding Porn- Pricey Blooms Edition

Happy Hump Day! Here are some pretty flowers to make the week go by faster! Want to add a wow factor to your bouquet? Try adding one or two of the orchids above. In 2005, the orchid was sold at auction for just over $200,000! It was cultivated by the agricultural research group Shenzhen Nongke and represents a completely new and unique species. I'll admit, it looks a lot like other orchids, I've seen- I definitely prefer the 17th Semper Augustus tulip which, in the hey day of tulip-mania cost around 10,000 guilders per bulb (which could also get you a big house in the fashionable district of Amsterdam). Unfortunately, this variety no longer exists, but of course you can buy similar variegated for a way, way lower price.

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